Privacy Policy

◆ Privacy Policy Thank you for your trust in the “Esharati Training and Translation” website. The “Esharati Training and Translation” website and institution seeks to maintain the privacy of the data of the site users and participants in the training courses announced through us. The privacy of your data is one of our most important priorities, so we have formulated this policy to clarify to you the personal data that we deal with and the purposes and limits of this dealing, so please read This policy should be carefully reviewed before using the site or participating in the training courses we offer. The privacy policy of “Esharti for Training and Translation Services” contains several main provisions under which are detailed paragraphs that precisely explain all the practices adopted by the center regarding dealing with your data: First: Definitions Second: Membership data Third: Course registration data Fifth: Usage and tracking reports Sixth: Promoting website activities Seventh: Communications and notifications Eighth: Safety and security Ninth: Evaluations Tenth: Cookies (Cookies Policy) Eleventh: The general scope of data use Twelfth: Share your data Thirteenth: Protection and the law Fourteenth: Policy updates Fifteenth: Contact us ________________________________________ First: Definitions In this policy, unless the context otherwise requires, the following terms have the meanings indicated. • “Esharti for Training and Translation Services”: refers to the website and the Esharti Foundation for Training and Translation, in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. • “User”, “you”, or “you”: refers to the person who visits or uses the site or requests to participate in training courses through the site. • “Trainer” refers to every person specialized in the field of providing training courses who the site contracts with to provide training courses to trainees through the site, and the coach may change from one course to another. • “Trainee” refers to every person who participates in the training courses available through the Isharati Training and Translation Foundation. • “Courses” or “training courses” refers to the courses that we offer to subscribers online through the website in cooperation with trainers. • “Policy” or “Privacy Policy” refers to this document and the terms and conditions it contains. • “Data” refers to the data that the user provides to us or that we request or collect about him, whether this data is personal that identifies the user or is non-personal, related to the activities, behavior or devices of the user used in the process of connecting to the site. Second: Membership data • The user provides us with some data while registering his account on the “Esharati Foundation for Training and Translation” website, which includes (first name, last name, country, city, specialization, academic degree, classification number “if any”, email, mobile phone, password the traffic). This data is used by the site for the purposes of providing the user’s account on the site and enabling him to log in to us. This data is also used for the purposes of activating the user’s account and verifying his identity and the extent to which this data matches the truth. • Membership registration data is provided at the user’s risk, and therefore the user bears legal responsibility if this data is inaccurate or related to other people or the user is not legally authorized to provide it to the site. The site will remove any data that we discover to be inaccurate or that others have reported after verifying its seriousness. Reporting. Third: Course registration data Course subscription data includes two types of data: data provided to us by our certified trainers, and data provided to us by trainees wishing to participate in courses: (1) Data provided to us by trainers • The data that the trainer provides us with, such as the name of the course presenter, the course title, its topics and vocabulary, its date and location, and this may include an introductory summary of the course presenter. • The trainer provides us with his personal photo and authorizes us to display it through the advertisement for the course, whether this advertisement is a still image or a video introducing the course or the trainer. • The trainer authorizes us to disclose some of his personal data to inform the trainees, such as the trainer’s full name, specialty, academic degree, qualifications, and academic and practical experience. (2) Data provided to us by trainees • Trainees provide us with some of the data necessary to participate in the courses that we make available through the website, such as name, age, specialty, academic degree, email, mobile number, and other data that the trainee requested during the course registration process. • Course subscription data is used for the purposes of booking courses and activating the trainee’s participation in the course provided through the system administrator affiliated with the Isharti Foundation for Training and Translation. Fifth: Usage and tracking reports • The site provides the ability to obtain usage and tracking reports appropriate to the user’s activities, which contain information about the trainee’s activity, such as, but not limited to: (progress index for activities, test scores if any, educational activities visited and length of stay in them, number of attempts if there is an evaluation). , success or failure status, pages visited, length of stay on the page, number of attempts, etc.). • The Isharati Training Foundation website allows the trainee to issue and share the aforementioned reports with the Commission for Health Specialties in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the purpose of periodic control and follow-up. • The site enables the trainee to take assessments or tests to measure whether his knowledge is consistent with the course objectives and outcomes while supporting a fair mechanism for measuring grades with the possibility of the trainee obtaining his assessments and knowing the final dates for obtaining them. Sixth: Promoting website activities • We may contact you for the purposes of promoting training courses in the specializations that we accredit and which we believe will interest you, including informing you of